Why is UX not just UI?
If the two elements are closely linked, a distinction must be made between UX design ( User Experience Design ) and UI design ( User Interface Design ).
These two concepts are often confused, and yet are different if one analyzes the subject deeply. In order to understand the distinction between the two, it suffices to imagine the UX as an iceberg. In this case, the UI would be the visible part of it.
It is in fact, the interface that the user of a site or software encounters when visiting these platforms. If the UI is therefore, an integral part of the UX, the latter is a more complete element and is not limited to the simple emergent face of the application or website.
What is UI? How does UX come down to this? How important is it?
What is UI design?
As mentioned earlier, the UI design is the abbreviation for User Interface Design. These are all the graphic elements constituting the environment of an application, software, or website, and in which the user operates.
It is obviously very important, because it constitutes the visual identity of the site or the application, and must be in adequacy with the values and the principles which the company releases.
The job of the UI Designer is therefore, to create the logo, choose the appropriate colors, make the interface as aesthetic as possible, and seek to encourage the user to stay on the site or on the application.
All the elements must be worked, whether the texts, the typography, the font, etc.
It is therefore the first link that unites the user to the platform and is an element that should be integrated into the design of the website, to increase its transformation rate.
UX design is more than UI
The UX Design is used to refer to the User Experience. It should be clearly distinguished with the UI design.
The latter is indeed part of the UX, but does not summarize the complexity of it. If the UI is totally focused on the design and interface part of the website, the UX includes many other elements.
Indeed, UX design includes both the design, the technology of the site or the application (the functionalities), but also the strategic objectives of the latter. It is a way to improve ergonomics , and has become essential in the digital sector.
It is a way to make optimal use of the site or application, and to create a real experience for the user.
In summary, it is important to realize that the UX includes 3 dimensions: technological functionality , elements relating to business , and site design .
The importance of UX Design
Statistics have shown that if a user takes more than three clicks to find the information they are looking for on a site, they leave it for lack of patience.
The main interest of UX Design is to put the user at the heart of the experience, and to facilitate their task, to better attract them in their nets.
All sites or applications seek to increase their transformation rate, between the number of people visiting the site, and those who consume.
UX design therefore, becomes a necessity, because it is the key to achieving objectives, and should therefore, be placed at the heart of a company’s digital strategy.
Many have become aware of the importance of this element, and are actively looking for professionals capable of making their digital platform attractive.
Optimizing your UX Design, and thus your UI Design means offering yourself the opportunity to build customer loyalty, or to convert users who visit the site into potential customers.
In this context we invite you to discover our design courses and in particular to our UI and UX design course.